A downloadable game for Windows

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True Colors (working name) is a prototype based on being able to add and remove colors from certain objects and creating puzzles based on how colors mix and other factors.

This prototype features 4 levels with one being a concept tutorial level and 3 puzzles. These puzzles show how simple they can be and how there can be complexity to them. 

What I am looking for in releasing this demo prototype? Feedback is my number one goal. Are people interested in the concept? Are the puzzles fun?, Do people think Unreal Engine 5 is too hard to run?, etc. My second goal is to have more prototypes on my portfolio. 

Finally, donations. I am not truly looking for them. There are plenty of games on this site and this is only a simple prototype. If you give any then I thank you very much but 100% feel free to download the game and give a donation in your time and feedback.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

True Colors.zip 339 MB

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